Filmmaking Is Helping Me Rediscover The Things I Took For Granted

The mystique and magic of film is real. I recently entered a video challenge and made a video close to home, which made me realise that I should be grateful for the beautifully simple things in life, like the susurrus of leaves.

Katie Sea
5 min readNov 11, 2019
A still from my autumnal walks with my video camera

At times we are all guilty of taking things for granted. Everyday things become the routine song of life so it’s hard to sing the praises of something when you experience it regularly. I am highly guilty of this.

I am easily swayed by the thrilling and exciting highs that I have experienced through travel: the mirage of beautiful places, unexpected adventures and exotic people with different perspectives — they draw me in, just like Medusa drew in sailors with a beautifully unique song (before turning them to stone as is told in greek mythology).

This became quite extreme for me. So much so that I started to disregard my home and any aspect of my life away from travel

The thing is that the beautifully simple aspects of life are often said to be the secrets to happiness.

One step to my re-discovery of these simplicities involved taking some time off social



Katie Sea

Biology Grad & PADI Divemaster | ex-Producer at a travel startup and accumulated a year's worth of travel experience | Writing whatever piques my curiosity