I Don’t Like Travel

Bet you didn’t expect that one. I travel a lot and I have plans to do so next year too… I just had to get this off my chest.

Katie Sea
5 min readDec 2, 2019
Tiger Cave Temple, Thailand

Every time I get back on the road I wonder if I even like travel.

I don’t really feel that excitement before a trip anymore.

The thought of packing my bag, pre-charging my electrical items and wiping my camera equipment, before jumping on the road for the un-productive hours of travel ahead of me, fills me with some kind of dread.

I arrive to my destination (usually a new place) after a long, tiring journey (because obviously I chose the cheapest and longest way to get there). Next, I have to navigate myself to my accommodation.

In-country travel is not always intuitive and is made more complicated by a language barrier. When all you want to do is crash in a bed because your brain is numb with tiredness, this isn’t the most fun navigational challenge in the world.

And, wait, oh damn, I forgot to download ‘offline maps’… what a rookie error.

Early on into my trip, my mind is constantly fixated on the costs of everything. But I also feel a pressure to do everything.



Katie Sea

Biology Grad & PADI Divemaster | ex-Producer at a travel startup and accumulated a year's worth of travel experience | Writing whatever piques my curiosity